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Sarah Joe Memorial Regatta set for May 4-5

Hana Canoe Club will host the Sarah Joe Memorial Regatta on May 4-5 at 8 a.m.

On May 4, there will be a 5-mile race from Kapueokahi, around Alau Island and back again. On May 5, there will be regatta races for multiple divisions, with emphasis on keiki races. There will be crafts, food, a silent auction, a raffle and entertainment.

In an effort to make the event plastic bottle-free, attendees are encouraged to bring refillable water containers. Water from a filling station and biodrgradable utensils will be made available.

The two-day event, which will kick off the regatta season on Maui, will be held in memory of Benjamin Kalama, Patrick Woessner, Ralph Malaiakini, Peter Hanchett and Scott Moorman. The crew went missing in the Boston Whaler the Sarah Joe on February 11, 1979. The small fishing vessel was swept away when an unexpected storm with 40 foot swells and gale force winds ravaged the waters of the Alenuihaha Channel. Volunteers and the Coast Guard participated in one of the largest searches in the history of the Hawaiian Islands, covering a 75,000 square mile area, but to no avail. It was not until ten years later that the Sarah Joe and the burial remains of one of her fishermen was discovered in the Marshall Islands.


Kapalua Golf Academy starts Wahine Club

Kapalua Golf Academy has announced the formation of the Kapalua Wahine Club, a monthly membership designed for women, though all are welcome to participate.

The membership includes weekly clinics, unlimited range balls and complimentary club rentals.

The club starts today, with clinics being held each Sunday from 11 a.m. to noon at the Kapalua Golf Academy. The clinics will cover a variety of topics, including putting, short game, approach shots and long game.

All levels of golfers are welcome. The program runs through Oct. 27.

The fee is $125 for all four weekly clinics per month, or $25 for individual clinics only.

For more information or to register, visit or call 662-7740.

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